Posts tagged cardio
Preventing Hamstring Injuries

Running is the most dangerous sport.

But does it have to be?

If you are engaging in regular sprinting sessions, you NEED to be doing this exercise.

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The 7 Movements your need to Master - Part 4: Gait (Running)

Today we tackle the most complex, yet the most underappreciated category of the fundamental movement patterns. Today we talk about Gait, or in other words, Running. The unfortunate reality is most people suck at running. This is surprising because it is fundamental to human performance. If you look at the stats, running is the most dangerous sport with over 75% of runners suffering some sort of injury annually. But this doesn't need to be the case.

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What are the "Energy Systems" and how to train them - Part 3: the Aerobic System

This week we have been breaking down the energy systems, how they work and how to train them. If you want to learn about the energy systems in general, the ATP-PCr system or the Anaerobic system follow the links.

Today we are talking about the Aerobic system. This is the most complex of the 3 systems and is how the body uses Oxygen to generate energy via a process called 'cellular respiration', which occurs in an organelle called the mitochondria. The mitochondria is commonly referred to as the "power house" of the cell because it is within the mitochondria that most ATP is produced.

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